Quantitative Aptitude – Clock
Quantitative Aptitude is a very important section in almost every competitive exams and the topic called Clock of quantitative aptitude is also very important in exams. Questions from this chapter is often comes in competitive exams.
Questions of clock chapter is not so hard to solve. You just need to learn the basic idea and basic formulas of this topic. Just learn basics and practice few questions of this topic. You will be expertise of this chapter. So now we will discuss the basic idea of Clock and few formulas to solve questions of this chapter.
What is Clock ?
We all know that a clock shows us time. It has a second, a minute hand and a hour hand. Mostly a clock is of round shaped. Based on these things and the position of minute hand and hour hand, questions will comes in competitive exams. So, to solve those questions we need to learn few basic idea of clocks.
Basic Ideas of Clock
- Minute Spaces: As we already say that a clock is of round shape. The circumference is divided into 60 equal parts. These parts are called Minute Spaces.
- Basically it has two hands. The larger hand is called Minute hand and the shorter hand is called Hour hand.
- In 60 minute a minutes hand moves 60 minute spaces. While in 60 minutes an hour hand moves only 5 minute spaces. So, in 60 minutes a minute hand gains 60-5 = 55 minute spaces with respect to hour hand.
- Once in every hour both the hands is coincide and it forms a straight line when both hands are coincident or opposite to each other.
- If the minute hand and hour hand is in opposite direction to each other and they made a straight line then both the hands are 30 minute spaces apart.
- If the minute hand and hour hand is making a right angle then both the hands are 15 minute spaces apart.
- An hour hand takes 12 hours to trace 360o.
- A minute hand takes 60 minute to trace 360o.
- Suppose right now the time is 11, but a watch shows 11:10. Then we can say that it’s 10 minutes too fast.
- Suppose right now the time is 11, but a watch shows 10:50. Then we can say that it’s 10 minutes too slow.
So, this is the general idea of quantitative aptitude clock chapter. Now if you have any query regarding this topic then please feel free to ask us your questions. Write your question on comment section down below. Out team of www.AptitudeTricks.com will discuss your question here.