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Time and Distance – Quantitative Aptitude

Quantitative Aptitude – Time and Distance

Time and Distance - Quantitative AptitudeA very important and very common topic in every competitive exams is Time and Distance. Problems on this chapter are very common in exams. So you need to learn this chapter very carefully. Also formulas of time and distance chapter will help you in further topics.

So, let’s begin the basic concept of Time and Distance.

What is Time and Distance ?

Before going further you should know that time and distance is closely related to Speed. So, what is time and distance and speed ?

Definition: The basic concept of time, distance and speed is – “A Distance covered by an object in a certain Speed for an unit of Time.”

For example, A Bus traveled 5KM at 60 km/hr in 5 minutes. So, here

  • Distance = 5KM
  • Speed = 60 km/hr
  • Time = 5 minutes

Any object in this world when move from one place to another place it basically covered a distance. This distance can be measure in measuring unit like kilometer, meter etc. When the object moved it needs time to move from one place to another and it can be measured in hours or seconds etc. And finally the speed. When anything needs move it must have speed. So to move from one place to another an object need speed. This basically the idea about time, distance and speed.


Basic Formulas of Time and Distance

  • Speed = Distance / Time
  • Time = Distance / Speed
  • Distance = Speed X Time

Unit Conversion (km/hr to m/sec)

  • A km/hr = ( A X 5/18 ) m/sec

Unit Conversion (m/sec to km/hr)

  • A m/sec = ( A X 18/5 ) km/hr

This is the basics of Time Distance and Speed. We hope you can now do any kind of problem using the above rules. If you want to read more about this topic then please let us know or find a good book of of Quantitative Aptitude or simply google it. We will discuss on those problems here in

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